Seabee Home

Below are links to various maintenance items. The Republic Service bulletins are here in their entirity. If you see anything (or have anything) we can add to this page for other Seabee owner's, please e-mail us and let us know. We will be glad to add it if we can.

Some files below require Adobe Acrobat Reader®. Get it here!

All publications below are to be used at the owner / operators own risk. The IRSOC takes no responsibility for the acuracy of the listed documents. Be sure to check with a licensed aircraft mechanic (A&P) or the FAA/CAA for the most up-to-date information. 

"What maintenance can I do, as a pilot/owner, without having an A&P?"
Find out here! Although an A&P license (United States) is required to do the 'major' stuff, there are some things (32 to be exact) we as pilot/owners can
do to save on maintenance costs. There are sample logbook entries included as well as an FAA Advisory Circular to provide needed information.
The guidance of a qualified A&P is strongly recommended (at least the first few times) for each of these until you get the hang of it.

Any of the procedures listed below are NOT FAA approved. To my knowlege, Republic never published any specific procedures for our Seabees.
(32) ITEMS IF:

Airframe General
FAA Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS) A-769 - All the specs you need to see if your Seabee is "legal" according to the FAA.

FAA Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin - AN, MS and NAS hardware check. Nuts have been cracking with unapproved hardware.

FAA Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin - Information on checking Lycoming Engines' cylinder bolts and thru-bolts torque. Dated March 24, 2014

FAA Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin - Information on Merl, Inc. ELT batteries. Dated February 24, 2014.

Seabee Annual Inspection checklist - Use this checklist at your own risk. Please add specific inspections and AD's for your Seabee. Consult your Aircraft Technician (A&P)

Seabee (Franklin) Annual Inspection - This is a copy of an inspection check list I found in some old papers.

FAA Advisory Circular AC 23-27 - "Parts and Materials Substitution for Vintage Aircraft". This tells you how to get parts approval.

    Publications referenced in AC 23-27 above:

    FAA Advisory Circular AC 20-62 - Eligibility, Quality, and Identification of Replacement Parts
    FAA Advisory Circular AC 23-21 - Airworthiness Compliance Checklists used to Substatiate Major Alterations for Small Airplanes.
    FAA Advisory Circular  AC 43-18 - Fabrication of Parts by Maintenenace Personnel. (Includes change 1 and 2)
    FAA Order 8110.37 - Designated Engineering Representative (DER) Handbook.
    FAA Order 8110.42 - Parts Manufacturer Approved Procedures.  

FAA Advisory Circular AC 43-4a - "Corrosion Control for Aircraft" (17 MB) - How to keep corrosion under control and methods of eliminating it.

Republic Documents:

Republic CAA (FAA) Approved Flight Manual - This is a retyped version of the original CAA (FAA) Approved Flight Manual. It is REQUIRED TO BE IN YOUR AIRPLANE AT ALL TIMES! Please use your original CAA (FAA) approved flight manual if available and if you use this download, your airplane "numbers" (i.e., Weight and Balance, Serial Number, etc.)  must be accurately duplicated in it. Each Seabee is different! You may also need an equipment list and electrical load analysis to satisfy the FAA. Your A&P mechanic can help with that.

Republic Aviation Service Bulletins and
Service News

Republic Service Instructions

Republic Seabee Parts List - Original (2.13 MB)

Republic Seabee Lubrication Chart - Published by Esso Oil Co. Circa 1947 (650 KB) or Shell Lube Chart and Shell Lube Receipt. Thanks to Mike Shay and Robert Den Hartog.

Republic Spare Parts Price List - (1947) Reprint of Republic price list. Looks like good prices! Too bad we can't get them now.

Hydraulic Maintenance:

Hydraulic Fluid Replacement - Keeping your hydraulic system clean. Total fluid replacement or just an annual checkup. Thanks to member Bruce Hinds for his editing skills and super suggestions!  

Electrol 430 PowerPac Overhaul Procedure - Revised 9-29-2021! 29 pages. Overhaul instructions for Electrol 430 PowerPac. Requires advanced tooling and a steady hand. (5.5 MB)

Electrol Hydraulic Pump Manual - Electrol Incorporated, Kingston, NY (156 KB)

Electrol Hydraulic Powerpac Troubleshooting - Electrol Incorporated, Kingston, NY (300 KB)

Hydraulic Pump Problem Areas - Reprinted form an old newsletter from the 50's or 60's. Updated by yours truly. (21 KB)

Hydraulic Servicing - Reprinted from Aviation Magazine, September 1946 (1.3 MB)

Electrol 430 Hydraulic Pump Plunger Installation - This article explains how to re-install the plungers in the pump body (The hardest part). I can't guarantee results as I haven't tried this yet. The procedure sounds resonable however. (880 KB PDF)

Hydraulic Actuator O-rings - Drawing. If you need a set of o-rings, e-mail me ( or check out the "Stuff for Sale" page. $12.00/kit.

O Ring ListUpdated 1-9-2017: Added MS numbers. O-ring AND bearing list by Tim Sutter. I checked most of the numbers and they are right on. Thanks Tim! (Download Old list here)

Fuel System:

Franklin Fuel Pump Overhaul - (PDF) Instructions for overhauling and assembly of the Franklin engine fuel pump (35 KB)

Fuel Cell Replacement - Compliments of Aero-Tech (5.3 MB)

Fuel Cell Refurbishing - Original document from Republic-? (58 KB)

FAA Approved Type Certificate Data Sheet for RC-3 - Sky Enterprises, Inc. (17 KB)

Seabee Fuel Dipstick Photo - Thanks to member J.R. Ranney. Stick is half round (dowel cut in half long-wise). I would add the RED "No Takeoff" warning up to the 12 gallon mark though.

Seabee Fuel Dipstick measurements - Thanks to the late Dick Sanders from his Seabee Newsletter, Volume 1, Number 6 dated July 1985 (43 KB)

Flight Controls:

Control Column U-joint - (PDF) Replacement of control column u-joint.

Control Wheel Play - (PDF) Remove any unwanted play in the control column.

Air rudder locks - (PDF) Easy air rudder locks that could save your rudder!

Check your Elevator collars - This has come up before but it's worth repeating. Check the torque tube collars on the elevator for cracks. They are aluminum and, evidently, crack with age or with over torqued through bolts.
See photo here

Forward Rudder Pulley Replacement - (PDF) Change the forward 2" pulleys with 3" pulleys to reduce cable wear.

Replacing your Aft Rudder Cables - Updated 4-27-2018. Rev. 4 (PDF) Changing the aft rudder cables. Read these instructions completely BEFORE starting. by Steve Mestler and Bruce Hinds.

Check your Water Rudder Cables - (PDF) An easier way to change your Water Rudder Cables. by Steve Mestler

Check Your Rudder - (PDF) Loose rudder bracket can be fatal! This article exlains how to check for play in the lower rudder cable bracket and how to fix it. Thanks to an "active" Club member for authoring this and to Bruce Hinds for his input.

Seabee Cable List - (PDF) Thanks to Frank Scully at Beechurst Industries (136 KB)

Seabee Lubrication chart - Thanks to Mike Shay (NC6157K)

Seabee Elevator Trim System Rigging and replacement - Updated 2-25-2024 (PDF) by Steve Mestler and Jaren Lynn. Fix, rig or replace your trim system. This shows you how with the help of your favorite A&P. 

Check your forward Rudder Cables - (PDF) by Steve Mestler and Bruce Hinds. Check for fraying on forward rudder cables and replacement instructions. Steerable tail wheels especially. 

Aileron Bellcrank fix - The pivot holes in your bellcrank may be frozen due to corrosion or lack of lubrication. This fix looks really good! (Tips and Tricks page)

Landing Gear:

Tail Wheel Seal -  If your aft compartment is filling with water, this may fix it. Changing part number 1414.

Tail Wheel Switch - Failure of the microswitch "cage" may cause your tail wheel to NOT come down completely.

Main Gear Fork Failure - (PDF) Make sure your landing gear system is tight! Read a couple of landing gear failure reports.

Part 1112 or How to land with the landing gear not down (or up) - (PDF) A stirring article about a landing gear failure that was a complete success. See video here  (MOV-courtesy of Cannon Falls, MN Fire Dept.)

My green gear light is out on the ground! (PDF) - If your green gear light is out and the bulb is good, you may have this problem.

Check your H-Bracket (Republic Part Number 1112) (PDF) - If your landing gear won't lock down, check your H-Bracket under the back seats.

Change your Crosstube Seals (PDF) - If you noticed water getting into your hull under the landing gear or your crosstube seals are cracked, you may need to change these. By Steve Mestler

Change your Tail Wheel Bearings (and Races) (PDF) - This procedure was writen for the Bendix Tail Wheel but may be of use to any tail wheel you have. By Steve Mestler

New bearing Seals for our Seabees (PDF) - Parker Hannifin makes "real" seals for our Seabee wheels. We can now eliminate the felt seals! Please follow the instructions carefully as there are parts of the old system that must be used again. Part numbers: 154-12000 (inner), 154-12400 (Outer)

Fix your leaking strut o-rings - (PDF) Complete strut overhaul procedures by Steve Mestler. Edited by Tim Sutter.

Tail Wheel Donut and Spacer replacement - (PDF) Replacing your shock absorber donuts when the trailing angle just can't be maintained anymore (90-95 dgrees from vertical). This procedure should be done VERY carefully as explained in the replacement instructions. If you need donuts and spacers, click here.

Strut O-rings - (PDF) Drawing of strut details and O-ring numbers. If you need a set (Enough for 2 struts) e-mail me ( The kit includes X-Rings or standard O-rings. $16.00/kit.

Tail Wheel Cable Guard - (PDF) Simple fix for tail wheel cable jamming.

Tail Wheel Quadrant Adjustment - (PDF)  Adjustment of the steerable taill wheel locking piston.

Locking Tail Wheel - (PDF) Description and adjustment of the locking tail wheel system. By Bruce Hinds

Miscelleneous Information:

Hull StandsMake your own hull stands! These are required for any kind of Landing Gear maintenence and retract testing during an Annual Inspection.

Painting your Seabee -  Step by step procedure for painting your Seabee or part of it.

Vintage Aircraft Replacement and Maintenance Article (VARMA) - EAA article on what we can replace and how to do it through the FAA.

Tail Wheel Tires - (PDF) An article showing the various tail wheel tires available for our Seabees. Thanks to member Bruce Hinds.

Seabee Window Replacement - (PDF) Member Joe Thorne has got it goin' on! This article should help you replace those crazed, foggy windows. Thanks Joe!

Wing-Adectomy (or how to open your wing) - Updated 1-12-2020 (PDF) Here is how you open your wing with minimal trouble. Special tools and guidance are required.

Flap Hinge Crack Fix - (PDF) Fix cracks in trailing edge spar flange.

Weighing Your Seabee - How to weigh your Seabee after major weight changes.

Weight and Balance Worksheet - Excel spreadsheet to determine your Weight and CG location prior to flight.

"Unofficial" Seabee Specifications - List of parts, seals, dimensions and notes for our Seabees. No guarantee that it is accurate.

Aging Aircraft Practices - Good for keeping our Seabee's young! September 2003-Endorsed by the AOPA, EAA, AAA and FAA (424 KB)

Heater Information: If you have a heater in your Seabee, you need to read this! NPRM (read AD) to be issued by the FAA that may require heaters to be inspected and/or replaced. (Sounds expensive!)
Click hereThanks to member Bruce Hinds for letting us know. Update! See AD 2017-06-03 below.


Putting your baby to bed - (PDF) Exhaust covers for your engine. Although written with the Lycoming engines in mind, this should work for any engine. By Bruce Hinds.

Tips for Engine Care -
Although produced by Continental (TCM) and written by various authors in the 1960's, the information is still valid today
and is a plethera of information for your engine!
(1.4 MB)

Engine Conversions
- Steinar Saevdal's website has most, if not all, engine conversions made to the Seabee! Nice work, Steinar.

Teledyne Continental  Motors Service Bulletins use this link for any Bendix Service Bulletin. Specifically,
Ignition Switches and Magnetos.
You must register but it's worth it!

FAA CE-18-07 - SAIB (Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin) Exhaust clamp cracking on Super-Charged engines (ALL types). Although not an AD, it may be worth checking your clamps for cracks.


Franklin Prop Jack (5 pages) This tool will save you a lot of time and trouble when it comes time to change your air filter or fuel pumps.

Franklin Notes Part 1 (7 pages): Miscellaneous notes from previous Seabee owners. Some notes are for the Seabee Airframe and some for the Franklin engines. Acuracy NOT guaranteed. (by George Pomeroy)

Franklin Notes Part 2 (19 pages): Same as above. Acuracy NOT guaranteed. You may have to download this one and view with Adobe Reader. (by George Pomeroy and Dudley Maynard)

Franklin Notes Part 3 (22 pages): Same as above.
Acuracy NOT guaranteed. (by George Pomeroy and Dudley Maynard)

Franklin Overhaul Manual - Aircooled Motors, Syracuse, NY (1.4 MB)

Franklin Parts Lists - Retyped for clarity, these are the original Parts Lists for the 6A8-215-B8F and 6A8-215-B9F enignes. Dated September 15, 1952.

Franklin Engine FAA Approved Type Certificate Data Sheet - FAA Type Certificate Number E-242 (PDF file - 18 KB)

Franklin Service Bulletins - Courtesy of Don Jones. Thanks Don!

Franklin Bulletins, Service News and Franklin tips from Seabee owners

Marvel-Schebler MA-4-5 and MA-4-5AA Carburetor Overhaul Manual -
for Franklin -B8F and -B9F (PDF file - 1.2 MB)

Marvel-Schebler Service Manual - MA-4-5 Carburetors

Marvel-Schebler - Carburetor Maintenance Article from Aviation Magazine May 1946

Auto Lite Fuel Pumps - Fuel pump parts and rebuilding tips from Member JR Ranney. Thanks JR.

Eisemann Magneto Manual - Eisemann overhaul manual courtesy of member G. Tustison. Thanks G!

Ever wonder how your Hartzell Reverser works? Check out the Hartzell article here.

Check your GO-480 gearbox - (PDF) Thanks to member Bruce Hinds (via the Twin Bonanza Club). Good information on our gearboxes AND some good maintenance facilities.

Lycoming GO-480 Parts List - (PDF) Parts list for Lycoming low compression engines. (GO-480-B, -D and -F6 engines)

Lycoming GO-480 High Compression Parts List - (PDF) Parts for High compression GO-480 engines. (295 HP)

Lycoming GSO and IGSO-480 Parts List - (PDF) Parts for Injected Geared Supercharged Opposed (GSO and IGSO engines).

Lycoming Service Bulletin SB245D - (PDF) Detuning Dynamic Counterweights. Service Bulletin referenced in Counterweight Article.

FAA Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin (not an AD) - Check the cylinder hold down bolts and through bolts. (May be for newer Lycomings)

Texron Lycoming Service Bulletins, Letters and Instructions Although not a complete list, some are applicable
to our Lycoming Engines.

See the Service Bulletins, Letters and Instructions Index
(1.1 MB), Engine Applicability Chart (Page 36) for your engine.

Texron Lycoming GO-480 FAA Approved Type Certificate Data Sheet - FAA Type Certificate Number E-275 (PDF file - 32 KB)

Order Lycoming Manuals - Order Form (PDF file - 62 KB)


HC-12X20 Servicing - (PDF) Servicing the Hydro-Selective Propeller on HC-12X20-1 and -2

Adjustment of  B-299 Servo Valve - (PDF) Adjustment for HC-12X20-3E and HC-13X20-5L or 6L

Pilot Operating Reverse - Hartzell's instructions for using reverse for the HC-12X20-2 propeller.

Hartzell SB 8 -
(PDF)  Service Life and Periodic Inspection of Propeller Hub Spider (Model No. HC-12X20-2, -3)

Hartzell SB 9 -
(PDF) Longitudinal cracks developing in HC-12X20-2, -3 propeller blades

Hartzell SB 10 -
(PDF) Instruction and Servicing of the HC-12X20-2, -3 Propeller

Hartzell Reversible Propeller -
Article about how the Hartzell Reversing system works (PDF, 933 KB)

Adjusting Beta (Reverse) Valve - Reversing control setup and adjustments by Aerotech Services. For Hartzell HC-A3(M)V (X)-(X)(X) propellers.
                                                    Note: The reversing valve safety spring has been resolved. (See "Safety Tips" for an explanation)     

Hartzell Propeller (HC-A3(M)V) Three blade FAA Type Certificate Data Sheet -
FAA Type Certificate Number P6EA (PDF file - 69 KB)

Service Letter 214 for new Beta Rod Retainer Rings for Seabee Props! (Not required, but interesting)
Other Service Letters and Bulletins for Hartzell Propellers are available on their website here.

Hartzell Service Letter HC-SL-61-61Y - Overhaul periods for Propellers, Governors and Propeller Dampers.

Hartzell HC-A3MV20-3L propellers - List of AD's, Service Letters and Service Bulletins for the A3MV-20L propellers.

Hartzell HC-12X20-3 propellers - List of AD's, Service Letters and Service Bulletins for the 12X20-3 propellers.

Removing your Hartzell Propeller (Franklin HC-12X20-3) - by Steve Mestler and Ed Porter

AD's, STC's, FAA 337's and Seabee Manuals!

CAA (FAA) Approved Flight Manual - You MUST have this with you when you fly your Seabee!! Download re-typed version here. (Download original photocopy here) - Thanks to member KC Ostronik
This is the original Franklin version of the Flight Manual. If you have a Lycoming or other engine, your STC or field approval should have the limits and operating instructions there and it takes priority over the appropriate section of this manual. Section 6 of this manual is the weight and balance section. Your weight and balance may differ due to the variations in weighing services. PLEASE USE YOUR INFORMATION FROM THE WEIGHING SERVICE LISTED ON YOUR PAPERWORK!! The Seabee Club and/or its membership takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the attached document.

Airworthiness Directive - AD 2017-06-03, South Wind (Troy) Heater. 

Airworthiness Directives
- Search (FAA)

Airworthiness Directives - Airframe (FAA)

Airworthiness Directives - Engines, Propeller and Appliances (FAA)

Buy your Manuals! Essco Aircraft Manuals and Supplies

Manuals on DVD! Check it out here (by Steve Mestler)

Get all known records (STC's, etc.) for your airplane from the FAA! $10.00 per airplane on CD!  Paper records available as well. Various charges apply.

Known Seabee STC's or Search for an STC

All known 337 forms for the Republic Seabee - UPDATED! Click here!

NEW! Standardized Procedures for Requesting Field Approvals under AC43-210 - (Thanks, Robert St-Louis)

(Ed. Note: This e-mail was received by the Seabee Yahoo newsgroup and I felt it was important enough to post here. Please check your linkages! Steve for the IRSOC)

"The clevis on the gear piston doesn't last forever. Check your clevis (mine was original). Not only does your gear not operate, it punches a jagged hole in the rear bulkhead about ½".

Guess what happens next? Yes, you guessed it. A hole wears into your fuel cell in approximately 2 years. This is the fourth time I have heard of this. I'm sure there have been many more, just not

Note: I'm not talking about over center lock.

Make a note, for those who need gear box work, on Lyc 480's try Jaars in North Carolina
(704) 843-6300. (Paul or Tim) cost approx. $1200.00?

George Papich



Poel Bed  

JIM POEL writes:
Here is a picture of my new seats. The recline position is achieved by moving the front seat all the way forward, reaching behind the front seat back and squeezing 2 pins that retract the 5/16 rods that sit in the hooked frame. It's hard to picture.
   The good news about these seats is that they are aluminum, not steel, saving over 11 pounds of weight. I also had my back cushions reduced from 4" deep to 1" deep. This allows more leg room and saves another 5 lbs. The seats are Republic parts and the pin mechanism change was Jim's idea.

(I don't have a copy of Jim's modification. If you do, please send it to me so I can post it on the website. Thanks.
SM - for the Seabee Club)


  I am not a big proponent of the Franklin engine, that is why, 20 years ago, along with my father at the time we did the first of the Daubenspeck conversions using the Lycoming GO-480 engine. In 1982 we did the Simuflight conversion on our Seabee and have been happy ever since. But, back to the Franklin engine. Richie Brumm is the gentleman who is rebuilding the Franklin's out in Long Island, NY. Richie is a personal friend of mine and has spent many many years working on the problems of the Franklin engine.

  A few years ago, he assembled the first of his engines and as of this past summer, has turned over 1000 hours of continuous operation on his Franklin engine. At present, he has 12 engines in the shop being overhauled at this time. There are a couple of his engines out there, of which I have flown one of them. I was completely surprised as to the quietness of the engine.We took of the headsets after takeoff and it was remarkable at the lack of engine noise, and for the record, I was flying in the loudest (Lack of insulation) of Seabees with Riches engine. The performance was better than I had expected and it actually wanted to fly before I was ready, and had to pull the stick back to start the climb. It did get my attention.

  Now, by no means is it a Super Bee, you load it down and it will be a water lover for a while again, but I'd be willing to bet that it is putting out close to the 215 HP it was supposed to. The modifications are extensive, but you have a product that is (and I hate to say it) reliable.
I fly only Super Bee's, and a Seabee with Richies engine is an exception to my rule, I'd have no second thoughts flying one of his engines. And a gross weight increase on the Franklin, well, we don't even want to go there. But for the record, a Seabee with the Franklin will more than likely have a higher useful load than a converted Seabee, this is due to the aft CG of the basic installation and the addition of ballast, and in a Super Bee you generally put quite a bit of "toys" in the aircraft. You should see some of the mods that Ken Thompson puts in on his Seabees for owners, and I am still waiting for him to install the kitchen sink yet...

  Bill Krause writes "John, what is the propellor on a Seabee made from? Is it wood covered with plastic or some kind of composite?"

Answer: HENRY (Mr.Seabee) RUZAKOWSKI ANSWERS  "Bill, The original Seabee prop was made of Micarta. Kind of like today's Phenolic. You did not mention the stainless steel leading edge that was flush riveted to the prop. I do not believe that this prop is legal today. I do know of one flying three or four years ago. I know I wouldn't get into a Seabee with one on it. It had a bad record of slinging blades, this happened on more than one occasion.
   Bebe Rebozo (Pres. Nixon's Florida banker) had a Seabee with that prop on it and could not pass the annual inspection, so he borrowed a three-bladed prop from a friend and got the Bee annualled. As expected, he swapped back to the old prop. A couple of months later he "threw" a blade and crashed in Biscayne Bay near the Nixon Compound. He spent the next eight months in the hospital.
MORAL: It is a great prop to hang on your wall, as my father did, in his home in the Keys."


Contact Bruce Hinds at He tells of success sealing with Green Leaf Seals and an additive used by Convair.  Worth looking into.



Bruce Hinds writes: "I believe the STC for the conversion to the Continental IO-540 (300 HP) is held by Randy Komko A/P of Yelm, Wa.
TEL: (360) 458-7715   Mobile Tel: (253) 229-7219


From: "Kenair"
To: "John Hooper"
Subject: Hartzell Props
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 18:34:06


  We have found a problem with the Hartzell (TRW) HC A3V20-3L prop that's used on the Lycoming Seabee conversions. We received a brand spanking new one for Dr. Davies plane. Then Hartzell tells us that it needs an AD complied with. Sent to shop with Hartzell picking up the tab. (How about that?) When it came back and mounted on the aircraft Ken discovered that guide lugs looked funny. It looked like they were installed upside down. Called prop shop. They did it IAW with the book. Called Hartzell. They said it is suppose to be that way. FAA was by and we showed it to them. The inspector agreed with us but the book is the book right? I don't care what the book says, I know dumb when I see it. We checked the lugs on George Papich's Bee and guess what? Getting ready to fail. Joe McHugh put us on to A C Propeller in Seattle and they are aware of the problem. I guess they know what is dumb too and have ways of dealing with it. Contact Mike for details. If the lugs (part # 3067-2) (might be a superseded #) fail, propeller control is lost. Thought you might pass the word. After all, there is enough to be fixing on Bee's without Hartzell's help.

Doug Kenair

Editor's Note: Even though this message is quite old, it may save someone from the problem listed above. (There are plenty of Hartzell props out there!) If anyone can shed some light on this subject, please e-mail us. I have a Hartzell propeller (as do many of you) and have not noticed the above problem and I know that Hartzell has come out with a new Propeller Owner's Manual (Manual 168) as of July 2001 that may have solved the problem.    Steve


(Ed note: I received these e-mails a few months back and felt it was important enough to post as others may find this information useful. Check your reverse mechanism including the return spring especially on the Franklin / Hartzell combination. Capt. Dick Saunders mentions this spring MANY times in his newsletters. Check them here!)

George Papich wrote:

"I have had periodic problems with what I thought was my Hartzel propeller this year. It worked wonderfully on climb, but my $26K prop would go crazy when going to cruise. It fluctuated between climb and cruise during level flight making the ride exciting to say the least.

I talked to both Hartzel and Seabee gurus to no avail. Their thoughts ranged from adjustments, the governor troubles, fuel injection, and carbon block problems.

At the Clear Lake fly-in Sept 2003, the problem reared its ugly head once again. Fortunately an old friend, Randy Komko, was there with one of his beautiful new 350HP Lycoming conversions.
Long story short, Randy looked at all adjustments.  At first everything was perfect.  Then he made me get into the plane and work the controls.  During the run through he asked me to try the reverse again.  I hadn't even touched those controls and told him so. Interesting. The reverse lockout was moving about 1/4 inch.  The lockout hole was elongated about 1/8 inch in forward and 1/8 inch back.  This is not located at the reverse control but back in the cabin reverse lever.  Over the years the lockout hole had worn out .040 of the aluminum lockout pin.
I now have a steel insert with a new machine pin. It has zero movement.

In retrospect, the propeller worked perfectly as Randy explained. What was happening was the governor was shutting down. The Hartzel prop was saving my bacon. Instead of going to reverse or cruise, the prop was saying by itself to go back to a much safer climb pitch.

I have from Randy, a copy of Hartzell propeller operation and adjustments. If anyone has a SeaBee, you should have this information. (I'll forward on a copy if you'd like it). I've asked Randy and you can also contact him at Transition Aircraft:"

Randy Komko
Transition Aircraft
P.O. Box 285
McKenna, WA 98558

George Papich

SeaBee 6325K

Bill Shaver wrote:
George - I had a similar problem when we started flying our bee last year after a restoration.  The bracket that secures the reverse cable to the prop housing was too short and would not allow the reverse control valve to come all the way out of reverse.  No serious incidents but we felt very fortunate when found the problem.  Thanks for sharing your story...
Bill Shaver
Huntsville, Alabama


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Updated July 18, 2024 (Added Hull Stand article, Added Hydraulic Fluid Replacement,  Updated Trim article, Added Franklin Prop Jack, Added Tail wheel Seal replacement.)