just in!
Are you going to Oshkosh? It's the 80th (Ok, 79th) year of the Seabee and the seaplane base is asking how many of us Seabee Guys and Gals are going. If you are going, let me know and I'll keep track on the website below. Email me at Going__0___ Not going__1__ ========================================================= Art Deco Seabee! ![]() Member Bruce Douglas makes the cover of EAA magazine! See the video here. (You need to sign into EAA website) Way to go Bruce! ========================================================= Member John Oberholtzer needs help!! "Steve, can you put a question out to the group soliciting any
information on franklin engine installation? Trying to ensure ours goes back in
correctly. Seems to be some differences with lord mounts specifically. We have
all 6 new old stock lord mounts but the rear mount did not have a spacer when
removed. I’ve seen one drawing of the rear with a spacer that has a rubber
bushing. Can’t seem to find any good detail on that and I know you looked for
me." Thanks! (Ed note: Perhaps a step by step installation guide would help. If we get one we will post it on the website.) ![]() ![]() N6386K on the beach of
the Adirondack Hotel on Long Lake, NY. As you see, I had to take out some water
in the morning. And as usual, Member Rick Hatton needs help He has a LS-3 engine conversion that isn't quite running right and needs someone with ECU (Engine Control Unit-computer) knowlege to get it set up right. Contact Rick at ================================================== Aviation terms: Almost anything aviation related explained! Thanks to Scott and Mr. Brodie ================================================== Member Craig Woodberry needs the Daubenspeck engine mount part number; the rubber part. If you know it please contact Craig at or me at . Thanks! ================================================== Make your own hull stands See instructions here ========================================= Mr. Brinson is in desperate need of the upper connecting rod bushings. Franklin P/N 13625. Contact him if you have 6 of each. Jesse Brinson Southern Aero, LLC 147 Commercial Park Drive Thomasville, NC 27360 336-476-9094 or ============================================== NEW and improved Tow Bar for our Seabees! Long-time member Dr. Henry Chapeskie made an inexpensive, effective, lightweight tow bar that we all need! See it here: ============================================= Do you know what's lurking under your Hydraulic pump (PowerPac) reservoir? If you have never changed your hydralic fluid, this procedure may help. See it here. ============================================= You can see it here ========================================= New! Seabee DVD now on USB Flash Drive! Same price and plenty of room for your own files. Check it out here... ========================================== Check your tail wheel microswitch security. This has happened more than once and it can ruin your day! ========================================== NEW PAGE! Old Seabee photos from members. ========================================== Check your Main Gear Fork! A couple of reports are in this article. Some surprise info here: Main Gear Fork Failure ========================================== For all you Franklin Engine owners; if you are in need of cylinder liners from LA Cylinder, contact Jerome at Jerome is putting a large order together and the price goes down with more orders. These cylinder liners are not your fathers liners! Modifications have been made to make them much better than original liners. ========================================== Check out the newest Seabee Service Center KSS Aviation (click here) Highly recommended by the membership! ========================================= Too much play in your control wheel? Click here to see the procedure for fixing it. Also Control Column U-joint replacement. =================================================== If you get an email from, it is a scam! This guy (or girl) uses Seabee photos and claims to be selling them! It may be yours! Be careful. =================================================== The EAA has done us a big solid! Parts replacement for vintage aircraft. Read EAA annnouncement here! Read VARMA procedure here. =================================================== Easy air rudder locks! About $10. Read it here. =================================================== Another Seabee rises from the ashes Hey there, we are a group in Ottawa, Canada, who are working on rebuilding
Republic RC3 Seabee CF-FOY s/n 747 to try and get it back to an airworthy
condition. We really appreciate your website as it has been a world of
information for us and it's amazing to see the same appreciation for this one
specific aircraft type that all of us who are a part of this project share. We
would love to share the progress of this project with you. Here is the link to
our website: As well if you wouldn't
mind sharing this to other possible seabee enthusiasts to try and raise
awareness for the project that would mean a lot to us.
=========================================Search the Seabee website! This is a tip from member Bruce Hinds. Type this in your web browser: "___________ site:" Fill in the blank with, "Brakes, landing gear, hydraulics, etc." and a space between your word and 'site'. For example: hydraulics site: Hint: type in the "blank" word in your browser then copy and paste the Seabee site above. Your browser will then list most of the articles on those subjects from the Seabee website. Note: You will also get links from other websites but the first listings will be from here. (I'll try to get a search bar going as soon as I figure it out) =========================================== Send us your Float Strut Mirror Selfies! You can see them here ======================================== ![]() Most of Bruce Hinds Newsletters Newsletter from member Bruce Hinds with very good Seabee information. Bruce Hinds sent me most of the missing Newsletters! Thanks Bruce. Lots of reading to do!! (Most
missing Newsletters Added) 7/13/2017
Another Seabee Flying!
Member Bill Janus photos, nice! ============================================== New member Michael Tragarz ![]() Restoration complete! ======================================== Also, DO A TITLE SEARCH! (Available from AOPA or SPA) AOPA Aero-Space Reports, 800-765-2336 3-10-2017: AOPA just released an article on Title Searches. You can read it here. |
Seabees Seabee
Specs, History, Seabee Club
(Added Seabee Features article) |
Oshkosh Photos |
Old Seabee Photos |
Strut Selfies or "Look at me!" Photos of float strut mirror images. We know you've taken one so send it in! Email to Steve at 07/10/2022
Safety Tips Tips on how not to crash! These are offered up from the membership and your input is always welcome. Who knows, we might just bring down insurance costs! 2/27/2017
(Added Rudder Control Horn fix article) |
Updated! Member locations added! Alphabetical listing, Websites, e-mail, Join! 11/2/2024
(Added Neil Vaccari, Added Frank McCutcheon, Added Richard Wasik) |
Cartoon, Fun Reading, and Articles 4/21/2023
(Added Jim and Dete's Seabee article, Added "How the Seabee Works") |
Tributes to 'Super' Bee people past and present 2/12/2024
(Frank Scully, Henry Ruzakowski) |
and Reference Materials FAA Type Certificate Data Sheet A-769 Airframe AD's Engine, Propeller, Accessory AD's Republic Service Bulletins Republic Dealer and Distributor's Bulletins (Missing Bulletins Added!!) Republic Seabee Parts List CAA (FAA) Flight Manuals STC's 337's (updated 8-20-2021) Republic Service Instructions 3/27/2024
(Added hydraulic fluid article, Updated Trim article) |
and Tricks Tips, tricks, part substitutions, etc. for our Seabees (Added Franklin Prop Jack) 3/3/2024
Drawings Drawings (factory when available) of Seabee parts. Send me your drawings! We'll post them for everyone. 11/26/2021
(Added Water Rudder Spring) |
Products for Seabees and Pilot Organizations 9/9/2016
(Added Aircraft Components Gear System) |
Recommended Services Seabee owner's recommendations for Seabee services! 04/06/2023
(Added KSS Aviation, Added Franklin Engine) |
for Sale (or Parts wanted!)
Listing! Airframe, Engine, Propeller, Avionics and anything Seabee!! 3/18/2025
(Added Franklin Engine cables, Removed old ads, Added Robinson's Parts) |
Training Instructors, Associates, Articles, and Training Aids 4/22/2016
(Removed Hangar A, Updated Training Guide) |
Store (Support
the Seabee Club!) Hats, T-shirts, Sweatshirts, Patches, CD's, USB drives etc. 6/7/2022 (Price increase) |
Buy-a-Seabee! Should I buy a Seabee? Questions and answers for first time buyers. 3/22/2025
(Updated John Roder, N6663K sold, N6602K sold, Added Bob Porter)
Interesting stories, photos, etc. Oshkosh 2015 Photos Oshkosh 2016 Photos 1/14/2025
(Added OSH and HAmmondsport photos, Added Platt Hubbell photos) |
Archives They are fascinating. 9/8/2015 |
of interest to Seabee owners. Weather, parts, airport information.
(Moved Aircraft Components to Products page) |
Seabee Questions
and Answers
Questions and AnswersYour questions answered by members! 2/17/2025
(Added LS3 issue, Added strut servicng, Updated Russ Aircraft adapter rings) |
Contact Steve at |
Seabee Manuals on DVD and USB Drive! Click here for details |
If your
e-mail address is anywhere on this website (especially on the 'Parts
for Sale' page), please check to make sure it is correct. If it needs
changing, e-mail
and we will change it.
you very much! |