Factory Drawings
This page is devoted to providing the membership with accurate drawings of Seabee parts and hardware. These drawings are either original or drawn from the actual component. This is a monumental task and will not, of course, provide every part.

If you have a drawing you would like to submit, please e-mail it to me (smestler@pbtcomm.net).
You can also send it via regular mail. All postage will be reimbursed upon request.

Steve Mestler
P.O. Box 641
Gilbert, SC  29054

Thank you all for your donations and submissions. Most files are Adobe Acrobat Format (PDF). Some are JPG.  If you need the PDF reader, download it here.
Not responsible for accuracy of drawings. Use at your own risk.

Drawing Description and Download
Fare Lead drawing - These work for most of the cable outlets; wings and fuselage (except for the 4-cable junction under the propeller) Approx. 24 required for the entire airframe.
Main Landing Gear Cross Tube - Two of these are required. Both sides are identical.
Tail Wheel Locking Collar - For steerable tail wheels. Accuracy not guaranteed as there were a few different collars.
Tail Wheel Spindle - Original Republic drawing courtesy of Member Mike Shay. Thanks Mike!
Water Rudder Post - Water rudder vertical post. Check your dimensions first! No two Seabees are the same.
Water Rudder Spring - Water rudder spring diagram with dimensions. Made from spring steel (music wire).
Hydraulic Hand Pump - Electrol 430 Manual Hydraulic Pump. Your pump may vary.
Hydraulic Actuators - Flap, brake and tailwheel actuators. Not a factory drawing. Copy of a page from "Aviation" Magazine. No date.
Hydraulic Actuators with O-ring part numbers - Cleaned up copy of above magazine article.
Jig Points on Seabee - Factory drawing of rigging and jig points. Lower fuselage strut fittings also included.
Parking Brake valve - Factory cross-section of one valve. Two required.
Rudder Segmented Gear Cover - Drawing by Steve Mestler. Covers rudder segmented gears on the floor. ABSOLUTLEY REQIUIRED!
Seabee Cable List and Drawing - List of all cables in the Seabee. Provided by Frank Scully at Beechhurst Industries.
Landing Gear Strut Cross-section - Enlargement of magazine article.
Strut Fitting, Lower - Fitting on the wing strut lower end.
Strut Fitting, Upper - Fitting on the wing strut upper end.
Tailwheel Over-center Spring - Drawing by Steve Mestler. Specs taken from actual spring.
Landing Gear Strut Details - by Steve Mestler. For O-Ring sizes see the O-Ring list edited by Tim Sutter.
Seabee Stations - Datum and station information. This drawing is not guaranteed. Please check your own Seabee!
Trim Tab Pushrod - Republic P/N 1327. Measurements taken from actual pushrod.
Landing Gear Lever Locking Rod - These tend to bend or break if the Landing Gear lever is not pulled up before positioning.

We need more drawings! Send them to us for posting, thanks! smestler@pbtcomm.net


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Updated November 26, 2021 (Added Water Rudder Spring, Added fare lead drawing, Added Landing Gear Locking Rod, Added Main Landing Gear Cross Tube)