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Preamble Information
Regulatory Information
64-28-01 HARTZELL: Amdt. 39-14
Part 39 Federal Register December 16, 1964. Applies to Models HC-12X20-1,
-2, -3, -5, and -7B Propellers Equipped with C-49-2B and C-49-2C Hub Spiders
Having Serial Numbers 4220 through 5400 Installed on Downer (Republic) RC-3;
Navion, Navion A; and Grumman G-44 Series Aircraft.
Compliance required as indicated.
As a result of loss of propeller blade due to failure of a hub spider, accomplish the following:
(a) Visually inspect propeller hub spiders for cracks in accordance with Hartzell
Service Bulletin No. 32 amended August 11, 1964, within 10 hours' time in
service after the effective date of this AD, and at intervals thereafter
not to exceed 25 hours' time in service from the last inspection until modification
in accordance with Hartzell Service Bulletin No. 32 amended August 11, 1964, is accomplished. Replace cracked parts before further flight
(b) Replace propeller hub spiders having accumulated less than 400 hours'
time in service since new or last overhaul in accordance with Hartzell
Service Bulletin No. 32 amended August 11, 1964, prior to the accumulation
of 500 hours' total time in service since new or last overhaul.
(c) Replace propeller hub spiders having accumulated 400 or more hours'
time in service since new or last overhaul in accordance with Hartzell
Service Bulletin No. 32 amended August 11, 1964, prior to the accumulation
of 100 hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD.
(Hartzell Service Bulletin No. 32 dated March 9, 1955, amended August 11, 1964, covers this subject.)
This directive effective January 15, 1965
Revised April 8, 1965.
Revised June 18, 1965.
Footer Information
Federal Register Information