Airworthiness Directives
Header Information
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
Amendment 39-4389; AD 82-11-05
Airworthiness Directives; BENDIX: Applies to Bendix Engine Products Division D-2000 and D-2200 Series Magnetos
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Preamble Information
Regulatory Information
82-11-05 BENDIX: Amendment 39-4389. Applies to Bendix Engine Products
Division D-2000 and D-2200 series magnetos with serial numbers below 35480
(red identification plate) and with serial numbers below 8122106 (blue identification
plate), unless identified with an "X" in the upper left corner of the identification
Compliance required as indicated, unless already accomplished.
To reduce the possibility of engine power loss and engine damage resulting
from looseness of the distributor gear electrode, accomplish Paragraphs (a)
and (b):
(a) Comply with the inspection requirements specified in the "Detailed
Instructions" of Bendix Service Bulletin No. 617, dated November 1981, or
later FAA-approved revision in accordance with the following schedule:
Less than 500 hours | Within the next 50 hours in service and every 100 hours in service thereafter up to 550 hours in service. |
500 hours or more | Within the next 50 hours in service. |
(b) Magnetos with 1900 hours or more in service since new or overhaul:
Within the next 100 hours time in service, replace distributor gear assembly
with new serviceable gear assembly in accordance with Bendix Service Bulletin
No. 617, dated November 1981, or later FAA approved revision.
(c) If the distributor block is contaminated with brass filings or bronze colored dust, inspect the engine as follows:
(1) Observe engine pistons through spark plug hole for evidence of burning.
(2) Check valve dry tappet clearance per engine manufacturer's instructions.
If piston damage, or lower than specified dry tappet clearance, is
present, the engine must be inspected in accordance with the engine manufacturer's
instructions for continued airworthiness.
Equivalent means of compliance may be approved by the Chief of the
New York Aircraft Certification Office, ANE-170, Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA), New England Aircraft Certification Division, Federal Building, JFK
International Airport, Jamaica, New York 11430. As permitted by FAR 21.197,
aircraft may be flown to a base where maintenance required by this AD can
be accomplished.
This AD is effective June 9, 1982.
Footer Information
Federal Register Information